Hear it, See it Feel the Music.
John WidōMākr
John WidōMākr


by John WidōMākr

This is essentially a trivia for the week that will help you calm your nerves or find your center again. “FUR AND FANGS” by “John WidōMākr” is this warm, familiar, organic piece of folk music, but also something remarkably unique and far more interesting than your average hip hop offering.

“FUR AND FANGS” is a solid track with a little bit of all the best parts of hip-hop and country. For the most part, the track brings classic hip-hop energy to the audience; A thick beat repeats over a haunting lead riff, the music’s signature sound. There’s an intense yet mellow vibe to the music delivery – the passion is there without too much emphasis on speed or screaming, and this approach is more effective in making you want to actually listen. It’s also a great sound to listen to with great flow.

Often the greatest thing about music is when it’s at its most effective, you can press play and let it wash your worries away, or you can take that song on another, opposite day and use it to really think about it. with greater depth and direction. The good vibes are totally on and this is worth a download, but other than that – once you’re really hooked – there’s a lot here to consider and familiarize yourself with and appreciate.

It featured a rap edge and an atmospheric vocal melody that added something fresh and alternative to the mix. At this point, the vocal flow is softer, and the emotional honesty works in line with the lyrics and concept, but with a softer performance style and the emotions are very clear. All of this comes on top of a well-thought-out and well-produced creatively structured track to deliver the full-throttle audio experience you expect when you’re looking for fresh hip-hop.

After 5 years in prison, It’s refreshing to hear a new take on the essence of hip-hop, folk and country from a musician who’s so talented in so many roles, both musically and in his songwriting. Looking forward to more to come from John WidōMākr.

John WidōMākr

John WidōMākr


Fresh Release Songs