Hear it, See it Feel the Music.


by Kaleidoscope Project

Embark on an epic musical journey with “Hordes – Symphony from a Dying World” by Kaleidoscope Project. Composed by Hungarian maestro Olivér Kovács, this cinematic masterpiece transcends boundaries to create a sonic experience like no other.

Located in the heart of Budapest, Olivér Kovács spearheads the Kaleidoscope Project, a musical venture dedicated to exploring the diverse realms of sound. From indie rock to electronica, metal, and symphonic music, the project aims to showcase the vibrant spectrum of musical expression.

In “Hordes,” listeners are transported to a dystopian landscape where chaos reigns supreme. Through thundering drums and haunting electric guitars, Olivér paints a vivid picture of lawless hordes roaming desolate lands, evoking a sense of impending doom and primal fury.

Experience the power and intensity of “Hordes” as it immerses you in a symphony from a dying world, where every note tells a story of struggle and survival.

Kaleidoscope Project

Kaleidoscope Project


Fresh Release Songs

No More

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Turning the Tides

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Something in My Heart

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Beating the Odds

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Private School Amapiano 2025

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