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Salam Freestyle Madness S3-EP1


In “Salam Freestyle Madness S3-EP1,” B1NE9INE delivers a hard-hitting dose of real rap, showcasing his raw talent and lyrical prowess. Hailing from Dagenham, East London, B1NE9INE’s freestyle captivates with its gritty authenticity and powerful energy, proving why he’s one of the rising stars to watch.

Episode 1 of this freestyle series introduces listeners to his sharp delivery and unfiltered storytelling, marking the beginning of a journey that’s bound to leave a lasting impact on the rap scene. His undeniable presence and East London roots bring a refreshing edge to the show, giving fans a taste of what’s to come.

With “Salam Freestyle Madness,” B1NE9INE’s passion for real rap shines through, making this episode an unforgettable introduction to a promising artist on the rise. Stay tuned for more as he continues to shake things up!

Fresh Release Songs

If You Leave Me Now

Artist: Ross Edwards

Never Left

Artist: NoneReala & Eddie Valiant

Salam Freestyle Madness S3-EP1

Artist: B1NE9INE

Nights in Camden (Highlight Reel)

Artist: Michael Ang3lo

Ki lo le se

Artist: Tayo Folahan ft AI