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HSR Hell Boy!
HSR Hell Boy!


by HSR Hell Boy!

HSR Hell Boy unleashes a fiery rap anthem, “Nothin!,” amplifying his presence as a Holy Smoke Records artist from Jacksonville, Florida. With an unapologetic approach to his craft, HSR Hell Boy delivers a relentless flow, cementing his status as a force in the rap scene. The track not only showcases his lyrical prowess but also demonstrates the raw energy he injects into every beat.

As a Holy Smoke Records artist, HSR Hell Boy adds a unique flavor to the label’s diverse roster. “Nothin!” is a sonic testament to his dedication and the vibrant hip-hop culture emanating from Jacksonville. With gritty verses and a distinctive style, HSR Hell Boy leaves an indelible mark, solidifying his place in the rap landscape. “Nothin!” isn’t just a song; it’s a declaration of HSR Hell Boy’s unwavering commitment to make an impact in the rap game.

HSR Hell Boy!

HSR Hell Boy!

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