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jimmy cooks freestyle
Christopher Ddot Cross
Christopher Ddot Cross

Jimmy Cooks Freestyle

by Christopher Ddot Cross

New from Christopher Ddot Cross, “jimmy cooks freestyle” is an unfiltered rap performance that does justice to his extraordinary lyrical skill. The hip-hop artist from Decatur, Illinois, has been working on his craft for 15 years, and it shows in this dope freestyle over Drake’s “Jimmy Cooks” instrumental.

Cross has a smooth flow and tight, effective rhymes, and he raps about his own upbringing as well as broader social themes. The accompanying YouTube film does a great job of capturing the performance’s raw, genuine energy.

Christopher Ddot Cross’s “jimmy cooks freestyle” is a must-listen for every hip-hop or rap enthusiast. He’s one to keep an eye on in the genre thanks to his smooth flow and lyrical acumen.

Christopher Ddot Cross

Christopher Ddot Cross


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