Hear it, See it Feel the Music.



HER Undeniably this is a masterpiece of first-rate music. KINGKLEGACY is Atlanta, GA based R&B Artist. His performance is unbelievably matchless and the listeners will find the gravity of his talents when listening to this song. He is an artist who has been writing music for past three years. It is a passion that I’ve always had and he hoped art gave him a good feeling!. He plan to bring R&B back to the forefront. They need some emotions in music these days. He grew up in South Ga in the city of Albany. I come from a military background. He lived in California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Virginia during his childhood. The artist “Kingklegacy” is a play off the birth name, ” King” being his last name and the “K” being the initial to his middle name. He always wanted to express his life through his music so he consider it his “legacy”.



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