Hear it, See it Feel the Music.


by Hashanni Dutxh

Hashanni Dutxh tends to stand out from what’s considered trending these days. His latest track, Facial is definitely a track everyone can feel and relate to. Hashanni Dutxh mixes his sharp sensible lyrics alongside the melodies to create the perfect track to vibe. From the fast streets of College Park,Ga. Soufside has birth Hashanni Dutxh.A urban/theatrical recording artist/writer, who displays connections of real life images & situations put into music. Switching it up isn’t the motive, it’s just how it goes in his world. From Ole Tunes of Funk to Gritty Trap Lingo. Hashanni creates relations and holds your attention!!

Hashanni Dutxh

Hashanni Dutxh

Fresh Release Songs


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