Hear it, See it Feel the Music.

Barra Libre

by Othrsyde

Othrsyde a native from Los Angeles .His latest song “Barra Libre” happens to be a latin song which I have no clue of. Hold on, this is by any means not to demean the artist. It’s just that I do not understand latin at all.However, music being a universal language helps to bridge the unknown. The very first feeling or the emotion I felt was, “Barra Libre” is different.

Given that Othrsyde is ambitious at creating free and wayforward art , he himself does not want to be boxed into a one typical genre that could be clearly seen through his previous body of work. “Barra Libre”,
stamps it.

You could almost see the vulnerability of Othrsyde throughout the song , a quality which is coherent even in his previous works such as “Lyke this” , “Blasphemy”. As if he wouldn’t mind laying his bare naked soul in front of the world. It seems the listeners have accepted Othrsyde’s vulnerability , considering the number of times his songs have been played on Spotify. If he continues to prove his mettle, embodied with his deep vulnerabilities , I am sure he will be regarded as a cult in the coming years.

However,what struck me the most through “ Barra Libre ” was every frame screaming independence or freedom, that of course would depend on the way you would perceive the song. The choice is up to you. Perhaps the motive of the artist could have been this or something else.

Oh! Made a huge discovery , “Barra Libre” means an open bar in English , which made me wonder if Othrsyde might be wanting to convey that you could enjoy at your own convenience to the fullest given that it is an open bar. Well, forgive me if the lyrics do mean something else.

I enjoyed the song much owing to its uniqueness. My advice is enjoy at your own risks!


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