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“BURNING UP THE STREETS” by TUFF TURF features stylishly recognizable synth-kissed production, catchy beats, and a certain level of musical recognition. Every musician approaches music based on genre, attitude, and background. On the other hand, some performers may incorporate synth waves and vibes in different styles into their sound.

TUFF TURF is an American new wave band led by former JE double F / CUT IT OUT. member Jeff Richie. Formed in the mid-2010s in Southern New Jersey, TUFF TURF has become a unique voice in the ever-growing synth-wave scene, removing much of the neon-video-game-nostalgia in favor of a more masculine, brooding, and punk sonic and visual landscape.

The track morphs from intriguing to calmly explosive, always clinging to a few syllable loops for identity and always helping to bring it to its melodic progression and expressive beat. “BURNING UP THE STREET” is something that is easily recognizable.

Dancehall bounce adds a summertime beat to an original new and synth-soaked environment, helping to keep things interesting. Mix that with pulse, sincerity, and appeal, and the whole TUFF TURF sound and vibe shine through in an engaging, authentic way.

Ascension takes place throughout, immersing listeners in a blissfully passionate ambience of synths and pure sensations. The latter has an air of pleasantry, but TUFF TURF’s approach is simple enough to keep things anchored elsewhere in their original form, and this works surprisingly well.
Turning up the volume and running away is total bliss. Even if it’s a little shorter than expected, it’s always better to leave your listeners wanting more. I look forward to future releases.



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