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Hope It Might Be So

by The Kev

Dive into the whimsical soundscape of “Hope It Might Be So” by the unassuming yet intriguing The Kev. By day, a mild-mannered Mandarin tutor, but by night, a musical satirist on a mission to inject vibrancy into the British and Irish music scene.

Hailing from Manchester, England, The Kev took a bold leap from viral success in China to reinvent himself as a folk provocateur. His work, a delightful blend of bottomless cynicism and life-affirming silliness, challenges the mundane. “Hope It Might Be So” is a testament to The Kev’s ability to navigate between the serious and the absurd, crafting a unique folk experience that transcends boundaries.

Embark on a musical journey with The Kev, where satire meets sincerity, and “Hope It Might Be So” unfolds as a whimsical anthem shaking the foundations of the folk genre.

The Kev

The Kev

Fresh Release Songs

The Holy Spirit took over and showed me this!

Artist: The Spirit of Glory