Hear it, See it Feel the Music.

Never Half

by Terrance Hill

“Terrance Hill” will delight your ears and grab your attention with his new single “Never Half.” It showcases high production quality, slowly drawing you into the song with static vocals, each gradually increasing in volume until the vocals whisper the title. Fuzzy guitar riffs crash with the underlying coordinating bass to create a massively catchy combination, sure to sway anyone to the cloudy yet uplifting melody.

Terrance Hill is a recording artist and writer that describes music as his heartbeat. He is from Montgomery, Alabama. Hill is also the president and founder of Double E TV to showcase new artists and spread the word about their music. When Terrance Hill isn’t writing or recording, you can find him in the gym, working on Double E TV, and spending time with his lovely wife, GuoHua. As a founder and president of Glad Tidings Community Outreach, Hill looks to inspire the community with positivity and inspiration for all.

Terrance Hill has a sound that’s definitely a bit nostalgic, and although there’s room in this track as well, the honesty in the lyrics helps take it somewhere fresh. The music is quite upbeat, happy – the vocals are layered, melodic, and delicious – it feels like a beautiful work of art, and if English isn’t your first language, you can sometimes assume that Terrance Hill is onto something wonderful.

Terrance Hill has no limits so far when it comes to creativity and music production. This release shows a completely different side to the producer and musician, offering an equally satisfying arrangement of moments, but doing so in a perhaps more colorful and easily escapable way. It’s far from in-your-face with its personality and vibrancy – it’s subtle as advertised, and does what you expect it to do. So much so, in fact, that when the music stops – a huge gap appears in its place. The silence that cannot be taken after such a peaceful


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