Hear it, See it Feel the Music.


by Compound

Compound’s sound has an unmistakable touch of character to it that you quickly warm to throughout his latest releases. “Paid” was the first to make itself known, the leading voice pouring through with a certain fusion of delicacy and personality that feels very genuine and carries the sentiment and melody of the song really well. ‘Compound’ is from Madison, WI/Chicago, IL/Los Angeles, CA and he always wanted to do something unique to the music industry and showcase his style of hip-hop/rap music to the entire world.

Compound is a multi-talented artist, songwriter, producer and businessman have been earning his respect across the nation. Slinging street anthems with millions of streams across all platforms Compound has been consistent with quality material. With Co-Signs from Jim Jones and Dip Set, He continues to make His mark in the industry.

‘Compound’ is an artist who works hard and fast to make a name for himself. His music has a partly nostalgic feel – comforting, familiar yet fresh – and partly leans in a completely new direction. The beat of this song is a big part of what gives it so much character. It’s a primal power of rhythm that you really notice throughout the experience. In most cases, the beat moves as the backbone, not drawing too much attention to its elements, even if necessary. At this point, you appreciate the unique quality of the soundscape as much as anything else around you.

Having heard several different releases from ‘Compound’, this particular track really exudes a happy, upbeat angle, and to listen to this in contrast to what follows is to really appreciate the brightness and hopefulness that permeates the soundscape. Performance. The transition from verse to hook works well, it’s gentle but it hits a level of anticipation and impact in a very authentic way.

The idea is presented subtly but surely, so when the hook hits, you expect it, you’ve expected it, and it’s satisfying in just the right way. Compound’s vocal tone and performance style lend themselves well to this type of song.


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