Hear it, See it Feel the Music.


by Terrance Hill

Terrance Hill is a recording artist and writer that describes music as his heartbeat. Hill is also the president and founder of Double E TV to showcase new artists and spread the word about their music. When Terrance Hill isn’t writing or recording, you can find him in the gym, working on Double E TV, and spending time with his lovely wife, GuoHua. As a founder and president of Glad Tidings Community Outreach, Hill looks to inspire the community with positivity and inspiration for all.

“Stupido” is a fantastic new track from “Terrance Hill”. The overall vibe of the song has the warped thickness of authentic hip-hop, and between the riffs and melodies are these perfectly matched and genuine emotions and passions that make this genre what it is. Rap sounds can be trained but reality cannot be faked. If an artist doesn’t have passion for the music they play, it won’t connect. This is far from the case with Terrance Hill and it’s a pleasure to discover his latest release.

The instrumentation throughout the recording is amazing and unique and full of character. Even the simplicity of that opening verse—the instrumental part supports those original lyrics and that melody beautifully. Everything is built properly but unexpectedly, and this is what keeps it entertaining throughout. Soon the piece’s central rhythm comes into focus, and it’s as addictive and uplifting as you’d expect.

Creatively the whole thing is full of great stylistic moments, and the final polish of the production allows each riff and each instrument to stand tall when needed. Along with all this is of course the sound of the artist’s voice and the subject of the song. It is stylish and relaxing writing done with great energy. The more you listen, the more the song’s melody, lyrics and overall energy imprint their good vibes on you.

It sounds great in every way and is a great song – well written. Its unique nature is impressive, but the overall sound has the skill and satisfying crunch of any great hip-hop track. The riffs have a simplicity that allows the listener to fully access the emotion and soul of the song. It’s all subtle and big at the same time, drawing you in little by little and making you want to discover more music from the artist.


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