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The Old Signboard Along The Road

by Frank Poelman - Next Avenue Band

Next Avenue Band is releasing their new single, “The Old Signboard Along The Road,” and it’s sure to mesmerize listeners. Blues, rock, pop, and jazz-funk are just some of the styles that this Belgian-European and Cebu-based band explores, demonstrating their incredible variety and musical talent.

Frank Poelman, the band’s songwriter and guitarist/bassist/keyboardist extraordinaire, leads the group through an eclectic set of songs that range from musical marvels to heartfelt vocal performances. Poelman’s own voice is occasionally included, but the band’s many talented singers, including some captivating women, really bring the songs to life and make them interesting to listen to.

Next Avenue Band has proven time and time again with “The Old Signboard Along The Road” that they can successfully combine musical styles to produce an infectiously catchy hybrid of sounds. Next Avenue Band has created a very remarkable album, so if you’re in the mood for a musical adventure that ignores convention and celebrates originality, give it a spin!

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