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What You Created
Jameel Patrick ft MNIACAL
Jameel Patrick ft MNIACAL

What You Created

by Jameel Patrick ft MNIACAL

Listen to “What You Created” by Jameel Patrick and MNIACAL, and get ready to get swept away by an enthralling musical experience. This song successfully mashes up elements of hip hop, metal, and nu-metal to create an original and powerful whole.

Jameel Patrick is a musician from Cleveland, Ohio who aspires to make music that people can relate to and enjoy. The success of “What You Created” attests to his talent for relating to others and communicating their lived experiences through his work.

Jameel Patrick’s music speaks for itself, appealing with listeners who seek authenticity and relatability in their musical experiences, despite the lack of a bio for the artist.

The dynamic and intense atmosphere created by the blending of Hip Hop, Metal, and Nu-Metal in “What You Created” is a testament to the versatility and originality of both Jameel Patrick and MNIACAL.

Don’t miss out on the exciting partnership. Listen to “What You Created” by Jameel Patrick feat. MNIACAL and feel the power of music that touches your heart.

Jameel Patrick ft MNIACAL

Jameel Patrick ft MNIACAL


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