Hear it, See it Feel the Music.


by Able Heart

Whisper from Able Heart, is a next level Pop song with an extremely cool melody. Philadelphia based artist Able Heart is a singer, songwriter, producer, and engineer. He said, “Since I was 15 I have struggled with drugs, addiction and depression, trying to escape the void I feel inside. In the beginning, everything seems so new and amazing. So I would glorify the lifestyle, and justify everything that came with it. In the end, I destroyed everything good I’ve ever had and hurt the people I loved most in this world. All I’ve ever wanted was the suffering to stop and the pain I bring to others to end. Trying to fight Anxiety, the highs of mania, lows of depression and constant withdrawal sometimes feels like there is only one way out. I know this is a lie but it seems impossible to find my truth. I don’t expect everyone to get it or to understand where I am coming from. The only thing that has ever seemed to help me express how I feel inside is through my music. The things I talk about in my music and show in my videos is my outlet. It is my therapy where I can vent how I feel, without acting on these emotions in real life. To find who I am, I first need to be honest with myself. This is my truth”

Able Heart

Able Heart

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