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Come Back

by Seiza Angunga

Seiza Angunga, is a young inspirational gospel artist, who loves encouraging people to never give up in life. Because he understands The times are hard these days, and we need to come together and make life easier for each other. he tends to do that with music. he was born in congo Africa, moved to Canada when he was a teen and after the hardships, he has endured and seen, it has softened his heart that he wants to see unity and love among people. His goal is to give in to his music fully and commit a hundred per cent to it. But he can only reach this goal if the listener will pass the song and share the message he’s trying to portray in his music with The world. That will allow him by your support to expend more and give more than still in his to the world.

“Come Back”, The story behind this song, in particular, is about all of us, how in life we reach a point where we feel we are worth nothing, we feel forsaken and forgotten. In those hardships, we get judged and called all kinds of names. We run away from life itself, we feel that the only way out of our situations is either suicide or someway of self-destruction. In this song, I encourage everyone to come back to their true selves, to come back to their purpose, to come back to God. He cares when no one cares, he sees you as you truly are, and you don’t need change for anyone. Just come as you are, the true you and self and God will guide you in this journey of life.

This is music that connects the mind and emotions, transporting the listener to new dimensions of internal and external space. The synth is beautifully set, the melody is haunting, and the soundtrack is top-notch. Seiza Angunga has created a masterpiece with “Come Back”. The ecological side of the “Come Back” flows with natural grace and the more electronic element provides pulse energy and drive. The result is an equally haunting and beautiful, otherworldly yet deeply rooted sound motivation.


Seiza Angunga

Seiza Angunga


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