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Come Down
ntmj (nevertoomuch)

Come Down

by ntmj (nevertoomuch)

An upcoming artist from Miami,Florida, ntmj is an artist who is experimenting his work in genres of Hip Hop,Rap and R&B. ‘ntmj’ was inspired by his brother and he got into music writing through the highs and lows of life and the experiences he had learned. Often the difficult times in our life guide the pathway to one’s success and it can also be a source of inspiration as well.

‘Come down’ is his latest track and,ntmj has the potential of stamping his versatility as an artist because his rap skills and his rhythm synchronize perfectly with the sound and the music of the song. As an upcoming artist he’s trying to create an identity of his own. He has put his heart into this song and the song has sort of a melancholic tone which revolves around the ego of a woman or a partner. As I think, the song ‘Come Down’ is about the emotional conflict and confusion caused by egoistic feelings between two people who were in a relationship and the trauma is unbearable because of the stubbornness which is causing more conflicts in the relationship.

ntmj has the potential of becoming a professional rapper because there’s a sensible meaning in the rap part where he says that , ‘’keep your momentum…but I’m paying to you give grace’’ which indicates that you can have a life of your own and you have the right to choose whatever is right for you and that the narrator is paying the price because he has no intention to disgrace his partner. To know the whole story that is conveyed you have to listen to the full song. The track has a rhythm and a flow to it, giving a vibe to the song that is rather alluring. If ntmj keeps experimenting and trying more new areas of Hip Hip and Rap his dreams of becoming an artist can come true.


ntmj (nevertoomuch)


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