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I Can Feel You All Through Me
Frank Poelman - Next Avenue Band
Next Avenue Band - Frank Poelman

I Can Feel You All Through Me

by Next Avenue Band - Frank Poelman

The mesmerizing instrumental “I Can Feel You All Through Me,” written by Frank Poelman and performed by the Next Avenue Band, is about to enrapture you. The seamless weaving together of blues and jazz in this masterwork is a tribute to the power of musical fusion.

The bluesy and jazzy elements in the tune are a testament to guitarist/composer Frank Poelman’s skill. Frank’s dedication to his craft and his ability to conjure thoughts through music are on full display in this emotionally charged song, born in August 2023.

The Next Avenue Band, originally from Cebu, Philippines, combines their individual skills to produce an unforgettable musical experience. The members of the band bring together a wide variety of musical styles—from rock to ballads to funk and soul—to create a compelling whole.

Enjoy the soothing sounds of “I Can Feel You All Through Me,” and keep in mind that this video channel has much more to offer than simply music. Frank Poelman and the Next Avenue Band take you on a soothing musical journey that defies categorization with their blend of styles.

Frank Poelman - Next Avenue Band

Next Avenue Band - Frank Poelman

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