Hear it, See it Feel the Music.


by Teda Sane ft Cash Grandure

In their new collaboration titled “Kickback,” Teda Sane and Cash Grandeur of Chicago, Illinois, showcase their talents as musicians. This intense music video complements the Hip Hop/Rap song, which is likely to make an impression on listeners.

The threatening rhythm of “Kickback” is matched with equally hard-hitting words in the song’s lyrics. Listeners are encouraged to “catch a person lacking at a kickback and shove their stuff back” in the song’s infectious hook. Both Teda Sane and Cash Grandeur bring the same level of intensity to their verses, spitting rapid-fire rhymes about their street credibility and prowess.

The musicians in the “Kickback” music video perform in a variety of low-light environments. The visual effects contribute to the track’s gritty, unrefined vibe. This new collaboration between Teda Sane and Cash Grandeur is a must-listen for fans of Hip Hop and Rap.


Teda Sane ft Cash Grandure

Teda Sane ft Cash Grandure


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