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Sunshine Waves

by MS

MS’s newest composition, “Sunshine Waves,” will take you on a musical trip that fuses tradition and innovation. MS is a dynamic pair made up of Margarita Varbanova and Snezhana Kastelova. Together, they bring a fresh take on electronic dance music, house music, ethno house, ethno pop, tropical house, and modern music.

MS Music & Sound, based in Bulgaria, is a multi-award winning music production and composing studio. MS pays homage to their Bulgarian roots by combining the traditional music of Bulgaria with an electronic dance music beat to create a genuinely captivating musical experience.

“Sunshine Waves” is a demonstration of MS’s talent for creating music with airy melodies and hypnotic rhythms that can take listeners to another dimension. Listening to this new track, you’ll get a sense of MS’s musical vision, which is defined by the way it fuses history and innovation.

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