Hear it, See it Feel the Music.

All Around It

by Bob Zamida

“All Around It” by Bob Zamida showcases a slightly raw recording of the leading artists making their stories and their flow sound appropriately soft and easy. The music has a distinctly retro or vintage hip-hop feel. The tune has a simple lightness, and this is combined with a certain chord progression that is repeated throughout. It sets the stage for a fairly spacious and free-form driving performance – your attention is entirely on the vocals and lyrics, the likes of which change character several times and are generally carefree or out of the flowing consciousness-inspired direction.

From Toronto, Canada, Bob Zamida started to make music in 2008, many trials and traumas nearly losing his life on multiple occasions. He believes Music Saved his life. He mentioned, he will make quality music with many talented artists for whichever countries stream the most until he dies. Members of his group Everything Rude (coon, purple) are giving up the streets as they gain enough traction with music to pay their bills. Watch them go viral.

What unfolds before you is a heavy and emotional journey through audio that seems to have been constructed by a group of musicians and minds. The production of the project is beautiful, this means that the sound is crisp and powerful, and effective, from delicate and reflective to heavy and familiar and passionate.

It’s interesting, and relentless in its approach to creativity but in an overwhelming or accessible way. You feel a part of it, the experience includes you, and it moves you – even sweeps you off your feet. Note that music is the ultimate salvation for most of us. This type of soundtrack encapsulates that concept and provides a relevant experience at all times.

“All Around It” has many things going for it, but perhaps more importantly – it emphasizes a creative, passionate, professional producer and musician. Worth checking out and definitely worth the time it takes to fully experience the track. The journey across the track is a very characteristic one.


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