Hear it, See it Feel the Music.

Dire Straits

by In Tha Hillz

In Tha Hillz’s “Dire Straits” is a song that brings a soft and intense atmosphere, combining a calm and moving background, with vocal and personal lead vocals that are sometimes catchy and completely underline the omnipotent melody. That’s the hook part.

Terrance Hill also known as In Tha Hillz is an artist and writer that describes music as his heartbeat. Hill is also the president and founder of Double E TV to showcase new artists and spread the word about their music. When Terrance Hill isn’t writing or recording, you can find him in the gym, working on Double E TV, and spending time with his lovely wife, GuoHua. As a founder and president of Glad Tidings Community Outreach, Hill looks to inspire the community with positivity and inspiration for all.

As the track progresses, the style and character speak louder, and the hook section gets bigger – as mentioned; It’s really something you’ll be guaranteed to remember after listening to it. Much of the music and support around it is part of why it works so well. The production in this release is flawless, creative but professional at all times. Structurally the whole thing is structured and effectively set up so that you can focus your attention and catch up to the end.

The song is well written, the production has managed to capture that live sound yet finish it all off with a crisp studio warmth that allows you to play it anywhere, in any setting, as loudly as you deem necessary. In Tha Hillz’s voice has a genuine, heartfelt tone – it’s an accessible sound, not claiming to be on some other plane to the listener, but rather, expressing as if this is precisely the kind of person they can relate to.

“Dire Straits” is a fairly specific track and displays some of the manufacturer’s absolute greatest qualities. This particular encounter with music and melody has created an extremely intense and contagious vibe that you will miss after the effects of the sound, the various currents, the orchestral hurricane and the power of that hook. Undoubtedly, this track puts a hook that will never be missed.


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