Hear it, See it Feel the Music.

Head or Tail

by Faron Sage

Can we trust the mainstream narrative? Should we trust the establishment and accept the status quo? UK-based socially conscious animator Faron Sage questions the authority’s intentions on our recognized worldview and revolutionary single “Head Or Tail”. This hip hop track is reinforced with riveting synthetics and electronic lace production. “How do you make a head or a tail when what’s going on is a lot of skull story?” Faron speaks in an immoral spirit. In this age of increasingly dominant behavior between the powers that be, with the seemingly unlimited freedom and potential of the Internet age, Head Or Tail asks “How do we know what to believe?” Farren Sage adds. “Everyone feels like screaming, no one is listening.” Inspirationally, the track does not attempt to answer all the questions it asks, but simply asks the listener to think and decide for themselves.

Soft voices build intensity, with short hip hop-rap, short lyric lines – connecting and comforting hip hop emotions. Faron Sage’s voice grows over you throughout, recording an extra rock at once and then moving on to hip pop with drift melodies and melodies. On the whole, as the song unfolds, the beautiful vocals and especially the excellent songwriting grow from familiar to simple innovations.

The release, which includes a similarly great video, establishes artist Faron Sage as a clean mix between the hip hop and pop fields. The performance is captivating, enthusiastic, and this arrangement allows you to maximize the magic of a single Head or Tail’s enthusiastic embrace.

A strong benefit from the established and traditionally fascinating Faron Sage is the urge to watch the newly resurrected live show. Faron Sage is a socially conscious animated musician who explores some of the burning issues at the heart of 21st century life. This is music and thoughts for a better world. So I invite you to stay with Faron Sage for his incredible creations. Get ready for a revolution!


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