Hear it, See it Feel the Music.


by Carla Lina

Carla Lina is a singer, songwriter, and producer who specializes in pop shows. She is from Germany. At the age of 10, she wanted to become a singer. However, she had a clear path to achieve her goal. She showed independence and her own songwriting comes first. She is a very practical and self-made artist who controls every aspect of her music as she writes, writes, and produces all her songs herself.

The lyrics of her songs are composed of her own experiences and emotions, which will connect with audiences across the spectrum. She combines different identities and experimental sounds with her intricate lyricism, engaging in many variations, and as a result pop-centric fusions still stitch together in an emotional undertone. Her musical career took her from her hometown of Augsburg to London and finally to Berlin.

“Carla Lina is a multi-faceted and unique musician where the adage “herself is the woman” absolutely applies. Her tireless drive and focus have made her an unstoppable musician in the independent scene,” writes Musicheadquarter. Carla Lina proved her mettle with the song “Life Is Like A Movie”, where she describes the feeling of a fast-paced life and finally accepts who you are and believes in your goals. The song had already received more than 120,000 streams on Spotify and Youtube in under 6 weeks.

With her second single “Higher” released on the 11th of February, she provides another electro-pop banger that will resonate. It has a danceable fall and this time chooses the theme of love. This song explains the feelings you feel when you can not overcome your old love and still can not fully trust the new love. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. This applies to all walks of life. When something new gives you that special superiority, listen to your heart and dare to catch it. I think Carla Lina released this song for this month’s valentine’s day. Listen to this heart-touching song “Higher” on Spotify music and it gives a good message to our life. Stay with Carla Lina for her amazing future creations.

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