Hear it, See it Feel the Music.


by W.B. Mase

“Movin” by “W.B. Mase” is an incredible track that presents listeners with a solid and memorable set of hip-hop melodies and a fresh and unique lead voice that they can quickly become familiar with and find comfort in.

The music is stylish, and has a peaceful feel about it, but, overall, the sound is a bit standout. It creates a relaxed atmosphere that quickly sets up an easy-going vibe for listeners to enjoy, but there’s nothing overly mellow or reserved about the rap performances involved—there’s an increase in passion in the sound of the voice, which the lyrics convey. Ideas build in intensity with the instrumental’s soothing tones.

As the track fades out, you really see the music for what it is, but before this point, the vocals seem to be in harmony and contrast with it all, so it works – it flows with great smoothness, but you really find yourself listening to every line. The vocal rhythm is consistent and the energy is excellent. This vocal performance has a wonderfully organic and perhaps slightly hip-hop-inspired vibe to the incredibly well supported instrumentation.

Once the track starts there is a lot of energy. The song has a very classic hip-hop feel, all of these songs really do. It’s not driven by the often sharp edge of hip hop, but a more energetic, emotional kind of vibe, which isn’t often seen these days – artists like W.B. Mase occasionally come to mind. The melody in the hook of this particular track really makes its mark.

The music has a style and attitude that grabs you from the offset, and the laid-back nature of the whole thing engages you, those lyrics and that voice hooking you throughout. It seems like a simple concept, and the theme seems fairly common, but there’s nothing hugely predictable about the lyrics; There’s actually quite a bit of wisdom on offer, and these ideas are valuable – they all have an element of inspiration. It’s a fresh, and really solid release – “Movin” is more than worth a few listens as its own track. Definitely one for the long-running hip-hop playlist.


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