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So Real

by Kalinki

“So Real” is a freshly released track by Kalinki. Kalinki is a songwriter and music producer based in Paris. This song is called “So Real”. It’s about climate change.

What’s special here is that the music really brings a new dimension and passion to the singer’s lead vocals. There are some truly amazing moments of courage and power to listen to. The melody of this track is well integrated between the music; It brings out the best in the singer’s vocal performance, but it actually ties together all the separate elements of the song effectively – so the result is that every instrument, every riff, every lyric; All of that drives the sound forward as a whole unit, making this a genuinely memorable track.

The music itself is fantastic, and the great character that comes from this particular fusion of instruments and elements is undeniably striking. The organic soundscape is a brilliant touch, as is the continued softness of that lightly fingered guitar part, as well as the addition of female vocals for the verses. The way this song is created is great. When you see the track, it’s like you’re seeing some intense theater – the images and ideas the music conjures up and the specific lines used in the lyrics are intense. The song feels so much more than a video piece, it’s an incredible thing to experience.

It’s a beautiful piece of music that makes you want to sit back and take the time to experience it. The accompanying video brilliantly enhances its effects in its equally natural simplicity, with a slightly muddled reality expressed through minimal visual effects – as a complete work of art it’s an incredibly well-crafted release. There are certain lines in the writing that stop you a bit, but the genius of the music is something that does let you linger too long.


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