Hear it, See it Feel the Music.

Win this War

by Surya Devi

In a world where new music is constantly being produced every day, it takes a little more than a simple beat and riff to make something engaging and captivating at the same time. Fortunately, there are some who go above and beyond to bring something special to audiences, and perhaps the future of music lies in their hands.

Surya Devi is a world music artist and longtime practitioner of the healing arts. For over 20 years she has worked with individuals and groups at all levels. She has released 4 full-length albums + numerous singles in collaboration with artists of various genres, including Grammy Award-winning artists and musicians from all continents in multiple languages. Her purpose is to serve in the awakening of humanity and her vision is a peaceful, balanced and prosperous world for all.

“Win this War”, this song is a song for the peaceful and it talks about the evolution of consciousness happening on our planet. It gives a message of hope that when we all work together, we as a human race can rise up victorious. It features former Miss Universe Canada, Noah Stevens, as well as several local performers and a First Nations medicine woman named Andrea from the Musqueam Nation. It was shot on location in Vancouver, BC Canada and features the beautiful landscape of this Canadian city known for its urban landscape with a stunning backdrop of both the mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

Flowing solo, a multi-layered synth backdrop fills the room with a sense of possibility and warmth. There’s a lightness to the sound, and everything floats a little higher as it plays – even Surya Devi’s lead vocals feed into this dreamy atmospheric aura perfectly. It’s nice to have the whole thing around you, and there’s a deafening silence when it’s over; This is all before you consider the lyrics.

The experiences and ideas dictated seem true to an individual character, and that’s what true fans tend to really appreciate and find honest and endearing in an artist they admire. A lot of the lines also look a bit fuzzy, so you get something that’s easy to relate to and connect with. That’s often what people turn to hip hop or rap for in the first place – a mundane reality, something to relate to or feel like belonging to rather than escape or enhance.



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